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A-America, Inc. a pioneer in the furniture industry, has been a leading provider of high quality solid wood furniture for over 45 years. A family owned and operated business, A-America was founded by two brothers, Fred and John Rohrbach, both graduates from the University of Montana and smoke jumpers with the U.S Forest Service. They both served their country with honor during the Vietnam War with John in the U.S. Army and Fred in the 173rd Airborne brigade. A-America got started in 1973 when the two brothers started importing ceramics from what was then South Vietnam. With the fall of Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City), the Rohrbachs had to retrench. Fred was one of the last Americans to be evacuated from Saigon, on April 29, 1975 from a rooftop to the U.S.S. Blue Ridge in the South China Sea. We are your ONE SOURCE for beautifully crafted solid wood furniture.
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